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Free ways to boost your website’s SEO

December 26, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 

Many website owners do no SEO at all. This is generally due to the misconceptions that anything SEO related is expensive and time consuming. This is simply not true. While it may be expensive for large businesses, for smaller sized businesses there are several strategies that are free that can be done by anyone:

Find keywords that are related to your niche and optimize your content by including the phrases in the headline and content.

Remove any duplicate content. You can get this information from the Google search console, which you should sign up for if you have not done so already.

Find any missing pages and broken links. 404 not found errors are bad for SEO so use a program like Xenu and look for broken links.

Using the keyword from point one, rewrite your title tags so they are under 70 characters and unique.

Although a lot of SEO experts do not consider it important, make sure to write a good meta description. It does not help SEO directly but a good description will lead to more click throughs.

Make sure all your url’s have proper slugs. Fix any url’s that have numbers or unrelated bits of text.

Update your blog often. It does not have to be every day, but consistency is important.

Links help rankings and some of the best links are internal. Link from your articles to other internal articles.

Optimize images so that page loads faster and the filenames and tags are relevant


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